Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is a method of restoring decayed teeth and creating veneers that can cosmetically improve chipped or cracked teeth, or reshape teeth with a composite resin material. Cosmetic dental bonding also allows us to even out a slightly crooked smile without braces or time-consuming return visits. With our expertise and variety of artful stains we can create beautiful restorations. Very little of the original tooth structure is removed, yet bonding can create a more aesthetically pleasing and vibrant look.
What does getting dental bonding involve?
Usually minimal preparation is needed for dental bonding. Anesthesia is often not necessary unless the bonding is being used to fill a decayed tooth. Next, the surface of the tooth will be roughened and a conditioning liquid applied. These procedures help the bonding material adhere to the tooth. The tooth-coloured, putty-like resin is then applied, molded, and smoothed to the desired shape. An ultraviolet light is then used to harden the material. After the material is hardened, your dentist will further trim and shape it, and polish it to accomplish the desired aesthetics.